Prices 2025

Day Tickets (admission per person):

Our single day admission fee is all-inclusive: pay once and ride as often as you like!
EC-/Master-/Visa-Card only at the entrance available.

Visitors (up to 100 cm) (measured wearing their shoes) Free entry!
Visitors (100 cm and taller) (children & adults) € 21.50
Visitors older than 65 € 16.00
Disabled people (certif. Germ.) “GdB” scale 70 or higher € 16.00
Disabled people (certif. Germ.) “GdB” scale 100 Free entry!
Person accompanying visitor with scale 70 or higher  (pass registrated “B” or “H”) € 16.00
Dog admission fee (incl. dog toilet) €   2.00
Annual ticket (100 cm and taller) € 95.00

Order voucher

Group tickets (Fees for groups of 20+ paying visitors):

Group admissions can only be approved by the following way:

  1. Reduced group admissions are open only to groups of formal organizations. We can’t extend group admissions to private groups.
  2. Please register in our formular  under “contact” two days ahead of your visit.
  3. Group leaders must pay all tickets at once and the group has to enter the park as a whole all at once, group leaders then enter for free.

School classes and playschool groups
(Fees for 15+ paying visitors):

Fees are only valid Monday-Friday (except holidays), with proof of school, playschool or daycare centre enrollment.

Group reductions can further only be granted:

1. after previously online registration (form ‘Registration for Schools and Playschools‘ to be made at latest two days prior to visit.

2. The group leader has to pay the total amount for all tickets. The group has to enter the park together.

School classes (full time until 8th grade/ daycare centre groups per child

weekend/staturary holidays

€ 14,00

€ 19,00

Person in charge with school and playschool classes, daycare centre
and disabled groups

weekend/staturary holidays

€ 14,00

€ 19,00

Playschool groups per child (from 5 payers)

weekend/staturary holidays

€ 12,00

€ 19,00

Disabled groups (from 5 payers)

weekend/staturary holidays

€ 12,00

€ 19,00

With school classes teachers are granted free entry in a 1:10 ratio. (This applies also for playschools, children’s homes, daycare center and nursery schools). With disabled groups person in charge is garanteded freee entry in a 1:5 ratio.

Registration for Schools and Playschools

Children birthday group tickets (Fees for groups of 10+ paying visitors):

Children birthday reduction can only be approved by the following way:

  1. must take place the day of the child’s birthday or 7 days after the original birthday date
  2. for a birthday only up to the age of 12 years
  3. Please register under “contact” two days ahead of your visit
  4. Children birthday parties and gatherings as mentioned in bullet point 1 need to register as a group, present a formal document
Each visitor (100 cm and more) € 19,00

Group registration

Travelling by train:

Take S-Bahn 5 from Frankfurt to Friedrichsdorf. Change at Friedrichsdorf to Taunusbahn heading for Brandoberndorf. Get off at Saalburg/Lochmühle. (We have our own RMV stop at the park.)


Be smart and save: Every visitor using the RMV to come to our park und producing a day ticket valid for the day (Zone 51), will only be charged  the rate of € 18.50.