
Welcome to
Freizeitpark Lochmühle!

Once a flour mill & farm – today a colourful amusement park with lots of child-friendly rides and climbing attractions and agricultural flair – that’s been the Lochmühle amusement park for over 50 years!

Lochmuehle Giftshop

Opening times

Dear guests,

on Saturday, April 5th, we will kick off the 2025 season.

From April 5th to October 19th, 2025, we will be open daily (including holidays) from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Last ticket sales and entry: 4:30 PM.

Ride operation times:
• Self-service mode from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM
• With staff from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM

(Please note that changes in offerings and opening hours may occur due to weather conditions and visitor numbers.)

Opening times (Deaktiviert)

We welcome you from 16th of May to 18th of October 2020.

Ticket office closing time and last admission: 4.30pm
Amusement rides: 10am – 5.30pm

(Subject to seasonal and weather- related modifications)

Visitor Rules to Protect the Health (Deaktiviert)

In order to contain the corona virus we ask you to observe the following special rules
in addition to the parking regulations!

School or kindergarten group visits are subject to special guidelines and must meet special requirements.
Due to Covid-19 attractions are subject to possible closure. Occasionally they might be out of operation
(see news section for further information).

Take our interactive park tour & discover our attractions, rides and sites.

Lochmühle Grilling

We offer more then 50 Barbecue sites at the park. Reserve yours for your date of visit (booking only timely in advance via telephone).

Freizeitpark Lochmühle Mühlencafe 02

We are passionate about our restaurants. We offer a variety of locally sourced, fresh and made from scratch dishes and meals.

News (Deaktiviert)

Wichtige Informationen

Liebe Gäste,

am Samstag, den 05. April, starten wir in die neue Saison.

Telefonische Grillplatzreservierungen für die Saison 2025 nehmen wir bereits von Montag - Freitag zwischen 10:00 Uhr und 12:00 Uhr unter der Rufnummer 06175-790060 entgegen.

Team Lochmühle

News (Deaktiviert)

Wichtige Informationen

Liebe Gäste,

am Samstag, den 05. April, starten wir in die neue Saison.

Telefonische Grillplatzreservierungen für die Saison 2025 nehmen wir bereits von Montag - Freitag zwischen 10:00 Uhr und 12:00 Uhr unter der Rufnummer 06175-790060 entgegen.

Team Lochmühle

50 years of Freizeitpark Lochmühle 1970–2020

As an anniversary project, the park has three child reporters casted. Amy, Ada and Melina discover the theme park with their eyes and interview a wide variety of park visitors, who tell of their experiences. The trio is experienced by the audience also in action, for example when climbing the treetop path or on the construction site playground under the giant slide. The reports will be published on Facebook on Thursdays from the opening of the park and Youtube.